what not to fix when selling a house

Top 8 Things You Shouldn’t Fix When Selling a House in 2021

Most want to fix different areas of their home when they’re selling it, thinking that these upgrades will make the property more appealing and valuable. Home upgrades are beneficial for various reasons, but some things in the house are better left untouched before new ownership.

Regardless of doing traditional staging on your own or virtual stage using photo editing services, like Phixer, it’s essential to know what not to fix when selling a house. This information will help you save unnecessary expenses and ensure that your home gets sold fast.


TL;DR: Here are some of the things you shouldn’t touch before selling your home:

1. Cosmetic Problems

Your house will eventually show signs of wear and tear, such as minor scratches and cracks in the flooring or walls. The colors of your walls might even start to fade. Unless there’s a cause for concern or severe issue caused by these cosmetic problems, it’s best to leave them unfixed. These problems are often invisible to the naked eye and will remain unnoticed regardless of home staging or picture taking.

There are multitudes of inexpensive yet effective ways of concealing cosmetic problems without spending on repairs. For example, if you’re worried about the cracks or scratches on the floors, hide them with some rugs or mats. If your walls show signs of discoloration, hang artworks during the site visit.

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2. Doing Partial Fixes

Home upgrades will cost money from your pocket, and insufficient funds will result in a half-done project. Instead of improving how your home looks, you’ll end up making your property look bad, which can affect your chances of getting homebuyers. Doing partial fixes will only put your time and money down the drain as these don’t bring value to your property.

The list of what not to fix when selling a house always includes doing partial fixes. If your entire kitchen looks outdated, don’t invest in a brand new sink, as this will have little to zero impact on the space. If your bathtub is in a different color than other elements in your bathroom, let it be.

3. Repairing Driveway or Walkway Cracks

Improving your curb appeal is one of the oldest tricks in the book when it comes to selling a house, but this doesn’t mean that you need to fix shallow holes and cracks. These areas are exposed to harsh weather conditions and bear a lot of weight, which is why it’s common to see hairline cracks over time.

Regardless of how tempting it may be to fix cracks in your driveway or walkway, you shouldn’t do it. These are typical problems, and they won’t scare off any potential homebuyers.

4. Repainting in Trendy Colors

Applying a fresh coat of paint is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to upgrade your property. However, the success of this project depends on the color you choose. If you’re wondering what stops a house from selling, one answer is this – repainting it with trendy hues. When adding a fresh coat of paint, don’t pick a color just because it’s what’s hot this month because these hip colors come and go.

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Moreover, keep in mind that homebuyers have different preferences when it comes to color. If you repaint your home with bright hues, you might shoo away buyers that want neutral tones.

5. Repairing Minor Electrical Issues

Electricity is essential in every home. It’ll be challenging for anyone to use appliances or maximize amenities at home if there’s no electricity. So as long as your home has a connection, don’t worry about repairing minor electrical issues, like wobbly sockets or damaged switches, unless they’re a fire or electrical hazard. Home inspectors won’t even mention these problems in their reports.

6. Updating Removable Items

If you’re still wondering about what stops a house from selling, updating removable items is one of them. Removable things, such as window treatments and table runners, will eventually age with time; but you shouldn’t change them before the sale. Instead of updating removable items with brand new ones, take them down to make the house look cleaner and encourage potential buyers to decorate the space themselves.

7. Disposing of Old Appliances

Contrary to popular belief, you shouldn’t remove appliances from a property just because they’re old. Some buyers would prefer old-fashioned appliance models as these are often easier to use. Don’t blow hundreds or thousands of dollars to buy brand new appliances before selling your home.

If you want to attract as many homebuyers as possible without spending a lot of money, look for used appliances. These pieces are cheap but still functional. It’s always better to sell a furnished home as potential buyers won’t have any problems moving in and they can easily see themselves living in the space. Unfurnished homes can seem dull and lifeless, and can turn off potential homebuyers.

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8. Renovating Beyond Your Suburb’s Norm

When selling your home, avoid going overboard with the renovations. For example, if the homes in your property all have beautifully furnished landscapes, refrain from planting expensive or exotic trees as these will not guarantee any ROI.

Consider the homes in your neighborhood when deciding which home upgrades to do. A property that fits perfectly in its neighborhood attracts more buyers and fetches a better price in the housing market. Renovating beyond the norm in your community will make your property different, but usually, it’s for the wrong reasons.

Decide Which Upgrades are Important

If you think you can haul in more buyers and get multiple offers because your home looks straight out of a lifestyle magazine, think again. Most homebuyers are more concerned about the functionality and convenience that a home brings, not about aesthetics.

Sure, you might be bothered about your house’s flaws but keep in mind that some homebuyers wouldn’t mind having these imperfections in their properties. Instead of investing in different home upgrades, assess what should you not fix when selling a house. Remember, your goal should be about showcasing your home’s potential, not perfection.

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